Rooftop Solar Challenge Kick-Off Webinar - Clean Coalition
Two technicians, one on a ladder, installing solar panels on a rooftop under a cloudy sky.

Rooftop Solar Challenge Kick-Off Webinar

The Clean Coalition's Ted Ko led a discussion at this webinar, which took place on June 20, 2012.

On June 20, Ted Ko, Clean Coalition’s Associate Executive Director, led a discussion about the organization’s initiative to standardize and improve the interconnection process for small-scale solar PV installation. While there are standard regulations for interconnection, installers of these systems are not given a clear guide for on-the-ground processes conducted by each utility company. To address this, the Business Practice Manual (BPM) Initiative works to have each grid operator publish a standard interconnection guide and work towards adopting best practices from around the country.

The Clean Coalition is a key partner of the Efficient Solar Market Partners of Northern California (ESMP) team, which is led by SolarTech as part of the Department of Energy’s Rooftop Solar Challenge. Along with the Clean Coalition, SolarTech is supported by the City and County of San Francisco, East Bay Green Corridor, and Solar Sonoma County in the delivery of this grant. These partners will also present their work in future webinars.