Solar Solutions Guide
While solar has becoming more mainstream, many building owners remain hesitant about opening their property up to solar installations. Working with Southern California Edison (SCE), the Clean Coalition created the Solar Solutions Guide to address building owner concerns.
The guide addresses six major concern areas expressed by building owners in Orange County, California regarding solar adoption. These include:
- Economic considerations — Building owners are concerned about the cost of the system, as well as ongoing operations and maintenance (O&M) costs.
- Outside core business area — Building owners see solar as a distraction to their core business area.
- Facility concerns — Building owners see solar installations as a facility liability.
- Vendor and technology risk — Building owners have expressed concern regarding the reliability of solar developers–with respect to workmanship, project management, and length of time in business.
- Permitting and approvals — Building owners do not want to navigate the permitting and approval process for a solar installation. Additionally, some building owners need approval from the landowner to make significant modifications.
- Other — Other building owner concerns, such as safety issues and contract flexibility, are inherent in all solar development projects.
While the Solar Solutions Guide has been designed to address the concerns of building owners in Southern California, many of the issues addressed are highly applicable to other utility service territories.