5th Annual Clean Power, Healthy Communities Conference
The Clean Coalition's Enrique Gallardo presented at this event, which took place on March 5, 2015 in Oakland, CA.
Enrique Gallardo, PolicyDirector for the Clean Coalition, presented at 10:40am on the Energy Efficiency and Intelligent Grid Programs panel at the 5th Annual Clean Power, Healthy Communities Conference, which tookplace on March5, 2015 in Oakland, CA. The Clean Coalition wasalso proud to be a sponsoringorganization for this event.
The conference is a diverse gathering of policy makers, entrepreneurs, and community advocates engaged in a thoughtful and inspiring exploration of strategies and programs for advancing a local clean energy transition in the Bay Area.
The 5th annual conference will feature plenaries and breakout sessions on the role of energy democracy–community control and ownership of energy resources–in the transition to a renewable future. How can we leverage the distributed nature of renewable energy to build a new economy that is regenerative, sustainable, and equitable? What approaches are being used to build community control of energy sources from the ground up? What emerging technologies and alternative financing mechanisms will contribute to the growth of community-based energy development?