8th Annual Storage Week Summit 2015
Executive Director Craig Lewis presented at this event, which took place in San Diego, CA on March 2-4, 2015.

Craig Lewis, Executive Director of the Clean Coalition, presented on Tuesday, March 3 aboutIncreasing Microgrid Resiliency with Energy Storage at the 8th Annual Storage Week Summit 2015, which tookplacein San Diego, CA on March 2-4, 2015.
The 8th AnnualStorage Week 2015 is the global business hub for energy storage solutions. Join policymakers and senior executives at the forefront of a coming wave of storage deployment. The road to bankable revenue flows is opening for both grid connected and behind the meter applications, with billions of dollars of investment expected in the next few years. Come to Storage Week to learn how to position your company to move from pilot projects to full-scale deployment.