Briefing on the Economic Benefits of Feed-In Tariffs
Executive Director Craig Lewis spoke at this event, which took place on July 14, 2010 in Sacramento, CA.
The FIT Coalition hosted an educational briefing on the economic benefits of Feed-In Tariffs (FITs) in a packed State Capitol committee room on July 14th. Featured speakers included Dan Pellissier, Deputy Cabinet Secretary for Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, Mary Nichols, California Air Resources Board Chairman, Hans-Josef Fell, Member of the German Parliament and co-author of Germany’s Renewable Energy Sources Act, and Craig Lewis, FIT Coalition Executive Director. Dan Jacobson of Environment California moderated the briefing. This event was held to educate legislators, thier staff and the public about the benefits of enacting a FIT program similar to REESA (The Reneable Energy and Economic Stimulous Act).