California Virtual Energy Summit – 28-30 Oct 2020
Executive Director Craig Lewis presented at this event, which took take place virtually 28-30 October 2020 .

The 8th Annual California Energy Summit took place virtually on October 28-30, 2020.
The Clean Coalition’s Executive Director, Craig Lewis, participated in the panel discussion “Role of Microgrids and Solar + Storage in Enhancing Resilience” on Wednesday, 28 October at 9:40am-10:25am PT.
California faces unprecedented challenges that could fundamentally alter the structure of its energy industry, but which are also opening up huge opportunities for future growth. PG&E’s bankruptcy and the impacts of grid-caused ignition have triggered enormous concerns about how to assure resilience, while the first round of SB 100 planning identified an urgent need to procure over 3.3 GW of power to meet near-term resource adequacy requirements. What policy and regulatory changes are being implemented to deal with grid reliability and resilience to wildfires? Will the new all-source procurement by CCAs, public power, and IOUs expand the lifespan of existing gas-fired generation, open up huge new opportunities for renewable energy and storage deployment – or both?
Only the most well-informed California energy players will be able to evaluate their best path forward. The8th Annual California Energy Summitwill bring together California’s top regulatory officials, utility and public power leaders, and developers to discuss:
- The statewide implications of wildfire mitigation measures
- How $830 million of incentives will drive deployment of self-generation and storage to enhance resilience
- Near-term resource adequacy and long-term SB 100 procurement needs of CCAs, public power, and IOUs
- The expansion of interstate energy trading and transmission buildout needs