California Energy Transition Summit – 6-7 May 2025
The Clean Coalition is a partner organization for the 2025 California Energy Transition Summit, which takes place in Sacramento, CA on 6-7 May 2025.
The Clean Coalition is a partner organization for the 2025 California Energy Transition Summit, which takes place in Sacramento, CA on 6-7 May 2025.
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Use code “250516” when registering to receive a 15% discount!
Connect With California’s Energy Market Leaders for the Latest Insights Into the Transformational Policy, Reforms, and Strategies Shaping the Golden State’s Energy Transition
Faced with the state’s commitment to 100% decarbonization and with burgeoning energy demand driven by new data centers, EVs and building electrification, California needs to build up system capacity to handle the necessary generation, storage, transmission and distribution capacity at an increasing pace. LSEs, project developers and financiers are jockeying for position to get ahead of the enormous systemic growth.
Simultaneously, a number of regulatory changes to California power markets are being rolled out. A new procurement mechanism is seeking to add 10.6 GW of long-lead time clean energy resources, including 7.6 GW of offshore wind, geothermal energy and long-duration energy storage. Authorities have also implemented transformational Interconnection, transmission expansion, and resource adequacy reforms, aimed to break up the bottlenecks that have been bogging down project and market development the last few years. In addition, GETs, microgrids, new financing mechanisms, and novel decarbonization technologies including CCUS and hydrogen will all play roles in the California power system of the future. What lies ahead for legacy technologies and assets? How can you identify the best opportunities, counter the challenges and handle the risks in this dynamic situation?
Plus, new for 2024, this highly-anticipated event will also bring together the state’s decarbonization and sustainability leaders to provide the latest insights into California’s unprecedented plans and approaches for decarbonizing the energy, industrial, building and transportation sectors. Experts will engage in dynamic conversations around achieving carbon neutrality through the aggressive reduction of fossil fuels, and accelerating carbon reduction programs and zero emission transportation, while continuing to build out solar and wind capacity, and other resources that provide clean, renewable energy to displace fossil fuel-fired electrical generation, while scaling up new options such as CCS/CCUS, renewable hydrogen for hard-to-electrify end uses and biomethane, among other technologies.