FIT Coalition calls upon CPUC to conduct an independent process audit of the utilities’ interconnection procedures
While the Commission has been working to create a number of new programs focused on expanding WDG, many problems still remain.
Last week, the FIT Coalition submitted a letter to the California Public Utilities Commissioners and staff requesting that they undertake an independent process audit of the utilities’ interconnection procedures as they pertain to the Wholesale Distributed Generation (WDG) market segment (20 MW-and-smaller projects that are interconnected to the distribution grid).
The CPUC has correctly noted in recent decisions and press materials that the WDG market potential is huge and has been previously overlooked. And while the Commission has been working to create a number of new programs focused on expanding WDG, many problems still remain; most notably issues relating to interconnection to the utility grid. Thus, the FIT Coalition believes that an audit of this nature will shed light on the situation and help identify ways to reduce the time it takes for projects to get approved.
Additionally, the letter calls upon the CPUC to revise Rule 21 as part of their SB 32 implementation; and, that the CPUC revise the utility confidentiality rules with respect to distribution grid expenditures.