Clean Coalition partners with Power Over Energy campaign
The partnership will help the Clean Coalition further publicize our mission to accelerate the transition to local energy systems.

The Clean Coalition is proud to announce our partnership withPower Over Energy, an energy literacy campaign. Power Over Energy is intended to educate, empower, and motivate consumers to make smarter, more informed decisions about the way they use electricity. The initiative is backed by a coalition of business, nonprofit, and government organizations united in the desire to increase awareness about the wide-reaching impact of our current energy consumption, the benefits of energy efficiency, and the importance of modernizing the electricity grid.
The partnership will also help the Clean Coalition further publicize our mission to accelerate the transition to local energy systems through innovative policies and programs that deliver cost-effective renewable energy.
To learn more about the Power Over Energy campaign, visit theirFacebook pageor go towww.poweroverenergy.org.
Other Power Over Energy coalition partners include:
- Edison Foundation’s Institute for Electric Efficiency
- Environmental Defense Fund
- Global Green USA
- GridWise Alliance
- Silicon Valley Leadership Group
- Silver Spring Networks
- Smart Grid Consumer Collaborative
- Sustainable Silicon Valley