Clean Energy Now Campaign for California - Clean Coalition
Vast solar panel array in the foreground with a city skyline and clear blue sky in the background.

Clean Energy Now Campaign for California

Stay tuned as the Clean Coalition will formally announce this campaign within the next few months.

Craig Lewis

Within the next few months, the Clean Coalition will launch a statewide Clean Energy Now campaign to bring 5 gigawatts of clean local energy to communities across California by the end of 2016. With the support of a broad range of stakeholders, the Clean Coalition will pursue a slate of policy initiatives through multiple avenues.

Bold policy action is necessary to meet California’s changing energy demand patterns, replace the state’s aging power plants and outdated infrastructure, and create new economy jobs. Recent executive orders by Governor Brown – calling for the electrification of transportation and driving towards zero-net energy buildings – underscore the need to modernize how the state generates, delivers, and consumes electricity. The indefinite closure of the San Onofre nuclear plant and the massive Southern California blackout last September illustrate the vulnerability of California’s current centralized energy system. Moreover, California must begin deploying real volumes of renewables if it expects to maintain any global leadership in clean energy and maximize clean tech jobs and investment.

California’s existing energy policies are insufficient to drive the critical statewide energy transition. Policies, such as net metering and the California Solar Initiative, are close to reaching their capacity limitations. The Renewable Auction Mechanism, Senate Bill (SB) 32*, and other distributed generation procurement programs are much too small to provide real impact, and all of those programs have significant design flaws.

A game-changing, comprehensive, new approach to ensuring efficient deployment of clean local energy is urgently needed. Distributed renewable generation can be deployed now – bringing jobs, private investments, and environmental benefits to California immediately, rather than years or decades in the future.

Stay tuned as the Clean Coalition will formally announce this campaign within the next few months. As always, the easiest ways to stay updated are through thenewslettersand social media channels:FacebookandTwitter.

* SB 32 is enacted legislation that requires the expansion of California’s existing, albeit small, AB 1969 CLEAN Program. Among other things, SB 32 expands the AB 1969 program size from 500 MW to 750 MW of clean local energy and increases the eligible project size from 1.5 MW to 3 MW.

Craig Lewis

Founder and Executive Director

Craig founded the Clean Coalition in 2009 and has over 30 years of experience in policy and technology innovation, including the proliferation of Solar Microgrids and Community Microgrids. Prior to founding the Clean Coalition, Craig held numerous positions in the wireless, semiconductor, banking, and renewable energy industries. Previously VP of Government Relations at GreenVolts, he was the first to successfully navigate a solar project through California’s Renewable Portfolio Standard solicitation process. Craig was energy policy lead on Steve Westly’s 2006 California gubernatorial campaign. His resume includes senior government relations, corporate development, and marketing positions at leading wireless, semiconductor, and banking companies such as Qualcomm, Ericsson, and Barclays Bank. Craig received an MBA and MSEE from the University of Southern California and a BSEE from the University of California, Berkeley.