CPUC Smart Grid Panel - Clean Coalition
Exterior of a modern building with the great seal of california displayed prominently above the entrance, flanked by u.s. and california flags.

CPUC Smart Grid Panel

Executive Director Craig Lewis served on the panel at this event, which took place on February 1, 2012 in San Francisco.

Craig Lewis, Executive Director of the Clean Coalition, served on the panel for this public workshop on Wednesday, February 1st from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. This workshop, led by Elizaveta Malashenko of the CPUC, identified the challenges of interconnection of distributed generation resources. Discussion also focused on how the proposed Smart Grid projects help overcome interconnection challenges and identify areas for improvement. The panel consisted of generators, interested third-parties and IOU participants, including Kurt Yeager, a member of the Clean Coalition Board of Advisors, will also participate in the panel.