Exploring the Fixed-Rate Utility Tax – 11 September 2023
The Clean Coalition's Policy Manager Ben Schwartz, presented during this webinar, which took place on 11 September 2023.
The Clean Coalition’s Policy Manager, Ben Schwartz, presented during the Coalition for Environmental Equity and Economics’ webinar on Exploring the Fixed-Rate Utility Tax. This event took place on 11 September 2023.
The so-called fixed-rate Utility Tax will be one of the most significant changes to the way Californians pay their bills in our state’s history. The policy will change everything from how much utility customers pay monthly to CA’s energy conservation policies.
Is the fixed-rate a progressive tax or another profit grab by the monopoly utilities? These are important questions for all community advocacy organizations to know and understand.
Fact-based information is the best way for all of us to educate ourselves and our communities. So, to get the facts straight we’ve gathered some of the nation’s best and most progressive minds on rate structuring for a comprehensive STREAMYARD overview.
+ Click here for more information
- Host Esperanza Vielma, EJCW
- Introduces Co-Sponsors
- Rev Dr. Ambrose Carroll, Green the Church “¢ Francisco Moreno, COFEM “¢Thomas Helme, CEJC
- Introduces Co-Sponsors
- Presentation on Fixed-Rate Utility Tax and Its Implications
- Ben Schwartz, The Clean Coalition
- Question and Answers
- Richard Mc Cann, Energy Expert
- Partner in the Environmental Engineering Firm of M.Cubed
- Dr. Ahmed Faruqui,
- Economist and Rate Design Specialist
- Richard Mc Cann, Energy Expert