Family Office & Private Wealth Management Forum West
The Clean Coalition's Matt Renner presented at this event, which took place October 24-26, 2018 in Napa, CA.
The Clean Coalition is a partner organization for the Family Office & Private Wealth Management Forum West, which will take place October 24-26, 2018 in Napa, CA. Matt Renner will present on our North Bay Community Resilience Initiative on the third day of the event.
Known for the fastest growing population of newly structured family offices in the world, Northern California is largely dominated by first and second-generation families from the Silicon Valley. Investment strategies such as Private Equity, Venture Capital, and Technology will be familiar themes throughout the Family Office & Private Wealth Management Forum West. Investment managers and families will come together to discuss the foundations in which they built their wealth, and uncork the various investment strategies in which to keep their portfolios growing and plentiful. Additional hot topics such as impact investing, alternatives, and the trustee beneficiary relationship, will allow for delegates to sample a diverse blend of palatable subjects while networking amongst a top tier group of private wealth professionals.
Goherefor more details and registration options.