Grid Modernization Forum
The Clean Coalition was a media partner for this event, which took place January 19-20, 2016 in Chicago, IL.

The Clean Coalition was a media partner for the Grid Modernization Forum, which tookplace January 19-20, 2016 in Chicago, IL.
TheGrid Modernization Forum was a focused, two-day educational and networking eventexamining lessons learned by industry leaders who are pushing the frontiers of grid modernization and reliability. Key technology innovators and executives cametogether to share perspectives on how best to leverage AMI investment, engage the customer, and take the smart grid to the next level. Case studies of improved network performance, resiliency, outage restoration, and distributed energy resource integration wereexamined with an eye toward determining best practices and technology advances for today’s energy ecosystem. The event was a unique opportunity to network with top industry professionals who are leading the way toward effective grid modernization and the integrated, interoperable, resilient energy network of tomorrow.