GTAI Energy Storage Lunch Seminar
Executive Director Craig Lewis spoke at this event, which took place on July 7 in Palo Alto, CA.

Craig Lewis, Executive Director of the Clean Coalition, was a featured speaker at Germany Trade and Invest’s energy storage lunch seminar, which tookplace on July 7 at the Garden Court Hotel in Palo Alto, CA. Mr. Lewis presentedon “Community Microgrids: Achieving High Penetrations of Local Solar with Energy Storage and other Distributed Energy Resources.”
In partnership with the German American Chambers of Commerce, the seminar provided insights on the current status, future trends, and investment opportunities in the U.S. and German renewables market, with a focus on energy storage and smart grid systems.
The German energy storage market has experienced a massive boost in recent years. This is due in large part to Germany’s ambitious energy transition (Energiewende). Renewable energy sources currently produce around 30% of all electricity consumed in Germany and this share is to be increased to at least 80% by 2050. Solar andwind power will be the main pillars of renewable energy production. The integration of fluctuating renewable energies into the electricity grid demands innovative storage solutions and major investment in the transmission grid.
The Clean Coalition was a proud sponsor of this event.