HOMER International Microgrid Conference 2016
The Clean Coalition was a partner organization for this event, which took place on November 7-8, 2016 in New York, NY.
The Clean Coalition was a partner organization for the HOMER International Microgrid Conference 2016, which tookplace on November7-8, 2016 in New York, NY.
The HOMER International Microgrid Conference offered anin-depth, methodical examination of the key imperativesfor implementingcost effective microgridswithin grid-tied, remote, and off-grid environments. The program was closely tailored to walk attendees through the process of planning and deploying a successful project.
Registrants came away with a concrete understanding of thebest practices, design tools, and technology strategies for deploying microgrid systems –reinforced by case study presentations of leading deployments from around the world. Abundant time was reserved for networking with fellow project owners and industry colleagues.