Microgrid Markets Summit East
The Clean Coalition's John Bernhardt sat on a panel at this event, which took place on March 16-18, 2016 in Arlington, VA.

John Bernhardt, Outreach & Communications Director for the Clean Coalition, sat on a panel titled”Community & Municipal Microgrids” at the Microgrid Markets Summit East, which tookplace onMarch 16-18, 2016 inArlington, VA.The Clean Coalition was also a proud partner organization for this event.
Mr. Bernhardt participated in the panel, “Community & Municipal Microgrids.” Municipalities and communities all over the country are looking into solar, energy storage, and microgrids as solutions to energy resiliency concerns at critical facilities. This panel of community leaders, municipalities, and microgrid enabling technology providers madethe case for microgrids at the local level, and the role that they will play in modernizing the grid at the local, distributed level.