A model for clean community power - Clean Coalition
Diverse group of people posing for a photo at a waterfront, with some holding a project poster titled

A model for clean community power

The Hunters Point Project will prove that clean local energy can reliably meet at least 25% of the community’s total electric energy needs.

Craig Lewis

In collaboration with Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) and in support of the city of San Francisco’s goal to achieve a 100% renewable electricity supply, the Clean Coalition is bringing a groundbreaking project to life in San Francisco.

TheHunters Point Project, named after the substation that serves the Bayview and Hunters Point areas of San Francisco, will prove that clean local energy can reliably meet at least 25% of the community’s total electric energy needs. This Project, sited in a historically disadvantaged area, will help PG&E meet its SB 43 mandate to bring clean local energy online in communities.

Policymakers and utility executives demand empirical evidence that proves large penetrations of clean local energy can result in a reliable grid. As part of the Project, the Clean Coalition is modeling the entire Hunters Point substation area – which covers approximately 20,000 residences and businesses – to determine the optimal locations to build 50 MW of new, local renewable capacity. To develop this model, the Clean Coalition is first identifying the most valuable locations in a community to deploy large amounts of clean energy. Then, using sophisticated software tools and techniques, the organization will model the power flow on the local grid – starting with baseline power and then accounting for substantial generation from local renewable assets.

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As the final step in the modeling process, the Clean Coalition balances and optimizes the power flow using dynamic grid solutions such asadvanced inverters, energy storage, and demand response. Once complete, this Project will prove that any distribution grid can support significant penetrations of renewable energy while integrating dynamic grid solutions. The end result is a modern, reliable grid that seamlessly integrates high penetrations of local renewable generation while keeping power, voltage, and frequency in balance.
Ultimately, these projects will provide policymakers and utility executives with the empirical evidence needed to embrace clean local power with confidence. In addition, the Clean Coalition is conducting an impact analysis of the project to determine the expected economic, energy, and environmental benefits. These community energy solutions grow local economies by increasing private investment, creating jobs, stabilizing energy prices, and keeping energy dollars close to home. Projects like Hunters Point result in smarter, cleaner, and more resilient power systems – serving as a model for any community seeking high penetrations of clean local energy.

Craig Lewis

Founder and Executive Director

Craig founded the Clean Coalition in 2009 and has over 30 years of experience in policy and technology innovation, including the proliferation of Solar Microgrids and Community Microgrids. Prior to founding the Clean Coalition, Craig held numerous positions in the wireless, semiconductor, banking, and renewable energy industries. Previously VP of Government Relations at GreenVolts, he was the first to successfully navigate a solar project through California’s Renewable Portfolio Standard solicitation process. Craig was energy policy lead on Steve Westly’s 2006 California gubernatorial campaign. His resume includes senior government relations, corporate development, and marketing positions at leading wireless, semiconductor, and banking companies such as Qualcomm, Ericsson, and Barclays Bank. Craig received an MBA and MSEE from the University of Southern California and a BSEE from the University of California, Berkeley.