NWPPA’s Power Supply Workshop - Clean Coalition
Silhouette of a power plant and electricity pylons against an orange sunset sky.

NWPPA’s Power Supply Workshop

The Clean Coalition's John Bernhardt sat on a panel at this event, which took place from August 3-4, 2015 in Vancouver, Washington.


John Bernhardt, Outreach & Communications Director for the Clean Coalition, saton a panel at Northwest Public Power Association’s (NWPPA) Power Supply Workshop, which tookplace from August 3-4, 2015 in Vancouver, Washington. Mr. Bernhardt’s panel drew from their organizations’ perspectiveswhenworking with utilities on solar projects.

The 2015 NWPPA Power Supply Workshop was designed by electric utility power supply professionals to update attendeeson current issues and topics that are important to the West.For more information,visit the conference website.