SMUD Introduces a Feed In Tariff for 2010
The posted tariffs will be adjusted in November of 2009 to reflect SMUD’s revision of its wholesale costs of generation.
Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) plans a Feed In Tariff for2010, up to 100 MW total, with time differentiated tariffs, and greenbonuses. Project sizes up to 5 MW, with these key differences from theSouthern California Edison pilot program:
- Contract Terms: 10, 15, 20 years
- Time Differentiated Tariffs
- No Technology Differentiation
- Tariffs based on avoided cost, value-based tariffs
- Includes tariffs for Combined Heat & Power
see: Etopia New Interview with SMUD’s Jon
Draft SMUD Feed-in Tariff
Note that the posted tariffs will be adjusted in November of 2009 toreflect SMUD’s revision of its wholesale costs of generation.
related article atwww.wind-works.org