Utilizing Underused Spaces for the Production of Clean Local Energy - Clean Coalition
Aerial map view showing mcinnis park, san rafael airport, and gallinas creek with labeled sections, including north fork and south fork.

Utilizing Underused Spaces for the Production of Clean Local Energy

The solar project at San Rafael Airport is yet another example of CLEAN Programs’ effectiveness at delivering cost-effective clean energy and local economic benefits.

Craig Lewis

Officials from Marin County, just north of San Francisco, recently announced plans to build a 972-kilowatt solar project at San Rafael Airport. This project – spearheaded by the Marin Clean Energy Authority – will include 5000 solar panels on 48 aircraft hangars located on the airport premises. Marin County will stimulate economic activity through the development of this local energy project. The Bank of Marin will finance at least 50% of the project, and Marin-based REP Energy will develop the project, creating 25 local jobs over a 3-month period. The Marin Clean Energy Authority expects the project to come online by Fall 2012.

The Marin Clean Energy Authority’s CLEAN Program, known locally as the Marin Clean Energy Program, has been vital in the development of this project. The Clean Energy Authority, a non-profit public agency representing all of Marin County, administers the Marin Clean Energy Program. This program provides residents of Marin with the option of procuring greener, non-polluting renewable energy. Due to this program, participating customers now receive between 50-100% of their total energy load from renewable sources.

The Marin Clean Energy Program officially began on December 3, 2010, and the 2-year pilot program is running from 2011 through 2013. The total program size of this CLEAN Program is capped at 2 megawatts (MW), and individual projects are capped at 1 MW.

The solar project at San Rafael Airport is yet another clear example of CLEAN Programs’ effectiveness at delivering cost-effective clean energy and local economic benefits. Participants in the Marin Clean Energy Program will now have even greater opportunity to procure distributed renewable energy from local sources.


Craig Lewis

Founder and Executive Director

Craig founded the Clean Coalition in 2009 and has over 30 years of experience in policy and technology innovation, including the proliferation of Solar Microgrids and Community Microgrids. Prior to founding the Clean Coalition, Craig held numerous positions in the wireless, semiconductor, banking, and renewable energy industries. Previously VP of Government Relations at GreenVolts, he was the first to successfully navigate a solar project through California’s Renewable Portfolio Standard solicitation process. Craig was energy policy lead on Steve Westly’s 2006 California gubernatorial campaign. His resume includes senior government relations, corporate development, and marketing positions at leading wireless, semiconductor, and banking companies such as Qualcomm, Ericsson, and Barclays Bank. Craig received an MBA and MSEE from the University of Southern California and a BSEE from the University of California, Berkeley.