Interconnection archive
A key priority for the Clean Coalition is simplifying and streamlining the process for connecting smaller, local, distributed generation projects to the grid.
The Clean Coalition focuses on ensuring that wholesale distributed generation (WDG) facilities can connect to the grid in a timely and fair manner. The materials below, which are based on the Clean Coalition’s deep experience around the country, can guide the improvement of interconnection procedures.
Distribution Grid Interconnection – Siting Guidance
Updated March 19, 2014. the Clean Coalition has been a strong advocate of increased provision by utilities of information and guidance on siting and cost containment, and access to interconnection data for applicants. This document includes several examples of utility-created siting maps, ranging from printable static maps to Google Earth integrated system overlays with interactive embedded circuit data.
Interconnection Costs Legislation
Updated November 8, 2013. As more wholesale distributed generation (WDG) programs are created and WDG projects are deployed, the costs of interconnection can emerge as a significant barrier. This document summarizes notable examples of legislation that address interconnection costs, from simple reporting and transparency to cost allocation between the utility and the project developer.
Model Interconnection Tariff
Updated April 2, 2015. This document is a model tariff and guide for designing streamlined and cost-effective interconnection for new wholesale distributed generation projects. This model was developed under a Rooftop Solar Challenge grant provided by the Department of Energy Sunshot Initiative from Feb 2012-Feb 2013. Although the model is designed for smaller, publicly owned utility procedures, where the tariffs are not regulated by state or federal agencies, the model can certainly be used to design state or federal tariffs. The model is based on the Clean Coalition’s extensive experience in reforming the California Rule 21 interconnection tariff, which is often viewed as a leading example for the rest of the country.