3M Flexible Solar Module Workshop - Clean Coalition
Solar panels on a rooftop with a city skyline including a tall pointed building in the background under a clear blue sky.

3M Flexible Solar Module Workshop

Executive Director Craig Lewis presented at this event, which took place on July 9, 2012 in San Francisco.

Craig Lewis, Executive Director of Clean Coalition, presented at this workshop on July 9 in San Francisco. Mr. Lewis gave the lunchtime keynote to highlight the tremendous market opportunity for solar that is represented by wholesale distributed generation, including for rooftop solar.

His presentation is available for downloadhere.

With recent advancements in high efficiency flexible photovoltaics, solar technology is poised for significant growth in the near future within the solar rooftop market. To help realize its potential, the workshop brought together various parts of the flexible module value chain and engaged in dialogue around the opportunities and challenges provided by this exciting new technology.

The workshop focused on the benefits and opportunities for flexible photovoltaics, market perception, durability and reliability, financing and installation. Representatives attending included senior managers from PV module manufacturers, roofing manufacturers, solar installers, financing companies, and utilities.