Ben Schwartz - Clean Coalition
Headshot of a smiling young man.

Ben Schwartz

Ben represents the Clean Coalition in proceedings at the California Public Utilities Commission, California Energy Commission, California Air Resources Board, California Independent System Operator, and Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on microgrids, interconnection, net energy metering, community solar, demand flexibility, electrification, energy efficiency, a highly distributed future, and more. He uses his background in environmental studies and public policy to inform the diverse local, state, and national policy work he does at the Clean Coalition. Ben is passionate about helping humanity solve the three greatest crises that exist today: climate change, the lack of clean energy, and water scarcity. Ben also worked as a researcher and producer with the World Business Academy, where he served as producer for the New Business Paradigms podcast and as assistant producer for the Academy’s Solutions News Radio Show. Ben holds a BA in History of Public Policy and Environmental Studies from UC Santa Barbara and has been with the Clean Coalition team since 2019.