CPUC Public Workshop: Green Tariff Shared Renewables - Clean Coalition
Exterior view of a civic building in california with an american flag and the california state flag flying above. the building features a large emblem of the great seal of california.

CPUC Public Workshop: Green Tariff Shared Renewables

The Clean Coalition’s Sahm White and Brian Korpics presented at this event, which took place in San Francisco on January 5, 2016.

The Clean Coalition’s Sahm White and Brian Korpics presented on Distribution Resources Plans and other matters at theCalifornia Public Utilities Commission’s Public Workshop on the Green Tariff Shared Renewables (GTSR) program, which took place in San Francisco on January 5, 2016.

Theworkshop was a public forum to discuss Phase IV Track B issues related to the implementation of the GTSRprogram (A.12-01-008) in California.

The following presentations are available in PDF format: