FIT Coalition Update
The Fit Coalition has been adjusting our strategies towards a renewed push in January for getting a comprehensive feed-in-tariff in California
Here’s an update on what’s been happening the last few weeks and some things you can do to be involved in the new plans.
The good news about AB1106 is that we now have more time to improve the bill and build an unstoppable wave of support. What you can do to help:
- Talk about the FITCoalition! Talk to anyone you know who cares about renewable energy (which should be everyone!). Point them towww.fitcoalition.com and tell them to join or contact us to get involved.
- Bring the FITCoalition to you! Let us know if there are speaking opportunities or events, articles or interviews where we can present the FITCoalition message.
- Volunteer! We’re always looking for energetic people who’d be excited to give 3-5 hrs or more per week towards scaling renewable energy in America.
Some other important activities:
- SB32 passed both houses and is on the Governor’s desk now. Even though it may not result in significant new renewable energy deployments, we feel supportive of the bill because it doees make some incremental improvements to current law. We haven’t decided on formal support yet, but we’ll let you know as soon as we do and provide more details then.
- The CPUCreleased its FITproposal with auction based pricing in August. The FIT Coalition is actively engaging in this proceeding to help the PUCshape the best possible program. We encourage you to get involved: http://www.cpuc.ca.gov/PUC/energy/Renewables/hot/feedintariffs.htm
- The CPUC has an ongoing proceeding on the implementation of a 33% RPS. The general public is welcome to their next workshop on October 14th – http://www.cpuc.ca.gov/PUC/energy/Renewables/hot/33implementation.htm#Workshop
Thanks again for your continued support!
Ted Ko
Associate Executive Director
FIT Coalition