Homer Microgrid and Hybrid Power International Conference – 12-14 Oct 2021
Executive Director Craig Lewis presented at this event, which took place virtually 12-14 Oct 2021.

The Clean Coalition was a partner organization for Homer Microgrid and Hybrid Power International Conference, which took place virtually on 12-14 Oct 2021. The Clean Coalition’s Executive Director, Craig Lewis, presented on a panel on resilience and cost reduction on Wednesday 13 October, 2-4pm PT (3-5pm MT).
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Join the hybrid power revolution
Now in its 9th year, Homer is pleased to announce the premier microgrid conference is now called HOMER Microgrid and Hybrid Power International. The new conference name embodies the ever-expanding role of hybrid power as we explore the path to decarbonization and the clean energy transition.
HOMER Microgrid and Hybrid Power International (HMHI) presented by HOMER Energy by UL brings together a global community of microgrid experts, customers, project developers, equipment suppliers, financiers and more for the purpose of advancing high-quality, affordable microgrids and distributed energy systems in off-grid, remote, and grid-tied settings.
The conference provides opportunities for participants to network, collaborate, and learn about the latest developments in the microgrid industry. Join like-minded thought leaders from around the world to explore the rapid evolution of microgrids.
As Homer did last year, they will stay connected, healthy and safe with a 100% virtual conference. Their 2020 conference had a record number of speakers and attendees from 136 countries. With no travel required, they expect record attendance again this year.