CPUC’s Integrated Distributed Energy Resources (IDER) Partnership and Standard Offer Contract Pilots Evaluation Criteria workshop – 4 May 2021
Clean Coalition's Policy Manager Ben Schwartz presented during this workshop, which took place virtually 4 May 2021.
During this workshop on 4 May 2021, the Clean Coalition’s Policy Manager, Ben Schwartz, presented on Distribution Energy Resources Deferral Evaluation Criteria and Performance Metrics.
The purpose of the workshop was to consider party proposals for the types of information that should be collected about the two pilots (performance metrics)and how the success/failure of the pilots (evaluation criteria) should be evaluated. The two pilots, the Partnership Pilot for BTM resources and the Standard Offer Contract (SOC) Pilot for FOM resources, are focused on demonstrating the potential of DER aggregations to defer traditional distribution infrastructure upgrades.