Featured event: Platts 9th Annual California Power and Gas Conference
The conference gives attendees an opportunity to engage with transmission providers, utilities, generators, regulators, investors, and analysts.
CraigLewis, Executive Director of the Clean Coalition, and StephanieWang, Regulatory Policy Director of the Clean Coalition, will bothpresent at the Platts 9th Annual California Power and Gas Conferencetaking place onNovember 7-8at the Marriott Union Square in SanFrancisco, CA.
OnNovember 7, Mr.Lewiswill outline the Clean Coalition’s ongoingDG+IG Initiative, providing a detailed case study on the HuntersPoint Project. The following day, Ms. Wang will present the CleanCoalition’s plan that could fully replace the shuttered San OnofreNuclear Generating Station (SONGS) with DG+IG in Southern California.
The Platts 9th Annual California Power and Gas Conference givesattendees an interactive opportunity to engage with transmissionproviders, utilities, generators, regulators, investors, and analystsaddressing key factors driving the California power market headinginto 2014.
Visit the conference website –http://cts.vresp.com/c/?