RE+ Northern California – 28-29 March 2023
The Clean Coalition's Policy Manager, Ben Schwartz, was a panelist during this conference, which took place on 28-29 March 2023 in Sacramento, CA.

The Clean Coalition’s Policy Manager, Ben Schwartz, was a panelist during the RE+ Northern California conference, which took place in Sacramento, CA on 28-29 March 2023.
RE+ Northern California is the largest forum for professionals dedicated to the integration of solar, storage, and additional renewable energy assets like wind energy and electric vehicle infrastructure in the region.
Conversations were had with industry buyers, suppliers, distributors, consultants, and more to explore solutions, exchange ideas, and discover new technologies.
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Sessions include:
Things are Heating Up: How California Plans to Keep the Lights On During Peak Events – Ben Schwartz, Clean Coalition’s Policy Manager, was a panelist for this session.
California experienced a historic heatwave in September 2022, setting all-time record levels of electricity demand and barely avoiding blackouts. As California continues on its path to decarbonize, what mechanisms and technologies are available to protect grid reliability? How does the state plan to respond to future heat waves, and what role will utilities and customers play in helping to reduce peak load during critical hours?
Electrification in California: EVs, Building Electrification, and Equity
Electrification is driving the carbon reduction goals in California. This panel will discuss some of the practical realities, challenges, and tradeoffs required to meet higher levels of EV penetration as well as the efforts underway with building electrification.
Rate Design: How Innovation Instigates Change
Rate design, over the last 20 years, has been anything but subtle in the great state of California. Often considered a model for other states, California’s electricity customers have benefited from financial incentives that have made distributed generation a significant portion of the state’s clean energy fuel mix. With the passage of recent state legislative and regulatory rules, including the conclusion of NEM 3.0 proceedings and the passage of AB 205, what do the next 20 years hold in store for California?