SB 1332 CLEAN Program met with considerable demand - Clean Coalition
Sign for the imperial irrigation district operating headquarters in front of a building with trees and a clear sky.

SB 1332 CLEAN Program met with considerable demand

The early success of the program shows that commercial-scale solar has reached a form of “grid parity” for area ratepayers. 

Craig Lewis

A new CLEAN Program launched by Imperial Irrigation District (IID), California’s 6thlargest utility, is off to a strong start. Since opening the program in September 2012, IID has received applications for new renewable energy capacity that more than doubles the program’s current size – signaling huge demand for WDG.

IID launched its 13 MW program in compliance with Senate Bill (SB) 1332. This Clean Coalition-sponsored law required California’s larger publicly owned utilities to initiate CLEAN Programs by July 1 of this year and pay developers full value for their energy, which includes locational and environmental benefits. IID’s CLEAN Program pricing averages 7.5 cents per kilowatt-hour and prices rise as high as 10.4 cents for generation during peak hours.

The early success of IID’s program shows that WDG solar has reached a form of “grid parity” for IID ratepayers, where the full value pricing for renewables matches the cost for independent developers to deploy new generation. Despite SB 1332’s modest 13 MW program size requirement for IID, there is nothing preventing the utility from expanding its program to accommodate the proven demand to develop even more cost-effective clean local energy.

Craig Lewis

Founder and Executive Director

Craig founded the Clean Coalition in 2009 and has over 30 years of experience in policy and technology innovation, including the proliferation of Solar Microgrids and Community Microgrids. Prior to founding the Clean Coalition, Craig held numerous positions in the wireless, semiconductor, banking, and renewable energy industries. Previously VP of Government Relations at GreenVolts, he was the first to successfully navigate a solar project through California’s Renewable Portfolio Standard solicitation process. Craig was energy policy lead on Steve Westly’s 2006 California gubernatorial campaign. His resume includes senior government relations, corporate development, and marketing positions at leading wireless, semiconductor, and banking companies such as Qualcomm, Ericsson, and Barclays Bank. Craig received an MBA and MSEE from the University of Southern California and a BSEE from the University of California, Berkeley.