SDED 2020 Virtual Symposium – 5 Jun 2020
Executive Director Craig Lewis presented at this event, which took place 5 June 2020.

Executive Director Craig Lewis presented at the SDED 2020 Virtual Symposium, which took place 5 June 2020. This was an online-only event.
The San Diego Energy District’s (SDED) 2020 Virtual Symposium informed elected officials, government, CCAstaff, and concerned citizens on the issues, regulations, and resourcesthey will need to be familiar with as they form CCA agencies in SanDiego County and other areas in California. The Symposium emphasized areas of significant importance, including DistributedEnergy Resources and other programs such as microgrids and DemandResponse that allow CCAs to speed decarbonization and avoidResource Adequacy risk and high cost energy purchases.