Solar Power Finance & Investment Summit 2013 - Clean Coalition
Solar panels generating clean energy.

Solar Power Finance & Investment Summit 2013

Executive Director Craig Lewis presented at this event, which took place on March 19 - March 20, 2013 in San Diego, CA.

Craig Lewis, Executive Director of the Clean Coalition, presented on March 19 and March 20, 2013 on the “State Solar Incentives Outlook” and “The First One Hundred Days in Washington: Reading the Tea Leaves”panels, respectively. The event took place in San Diego, CA at theRancho Bernardo Inn.

To download the presentation:PPT

With the new Administration and Congress getting settled in Washington, the Summit kicked off with the “The First One Hundred Days in Washington: Reading the Tea Leaves” panel of political observers who provided their insights into what new government energy policies are to be expected and how they will impact the solar market in 2013 and beyond. Topics included:

  • Will we see comprehensive energy legislation? If so, what will be the framework?
  • Which direction is the policy for solar going?
  • Are we going to have federal support, and if so, in what form?
  • How is it likely to play out and during what timeframe?
  • Will there be changes at the regulatory level that might impact the solar industry?

“State Solar Incentives Outlook” panel topics included:

  • What is on tap in the 10 largest solar states?
  • Are there other states with solar incentive programs that should be watched?
  • What will states with expiring programs do next?