UCCA Webinar #6: Maximizing the Value of Electric Vehicles – The Road Ahead for EVs as Grid Storage – 4 August 2022
The Clean Coalition was a partner organization for this webinar, which took place on 4 August 2022 at 12pm.
Webinar #6: Maximizing the Value of Electric Vehicles – The Road Ahead for EVs as Grid Storage
Wednesday, 4 August, 2022 at 12pm to 1:30pm PST
V2G (Vehicle-to-Grid) technology is attracting a lot of interest in the energy and transportation sectors with the introduction of the Ford F150 and other vehicles. Learn more about this exciting innovation in this first of two webinars addressing the challenges and opportunities of electric vehicles (EV) to provide energy to the home and beyond.
The number of EVs in California is growing at an ever-increasing rate as both auto manufacturers and drivers embrace this technology. Many EVs have battery capacity equal to 7 home batteries. This technology can provide benefits far beyond carbon-free transportation: providing recreational power for camping or picnics, electrical power into your home, revenue generation by selling your kW back to the grid, and/or resilience in the event of a power outage.
Attend this webinar to learn:
- The many and varied benefits of EVs
- What is happening with EVs in Europe
- The value of EVs supplying electricity to your home (bidirectional charging)
- Benefits of integrating EVs into commercial buildings
- How EVs can address the imbalance between supply and demand on the California Grid during the day (“The Duck Curve”)
+ Click here for the recording and more information
Webinar Lineup:
A Brief Primer on EV Technology and Terminology
Presenter: Michael Hicks
Michael Hicks has worked as a General Contractor for the last 30 years and is Principal of Harmony Building Efficiency Consulting. He holds a degree in Construction Management and is a LEED AP Fellow. His skill set allows him to bring a practical approach to Electric Vehicle integration into the home.
Status of V2G Deployment in Europe
Presenter: Paige Mullen
Paige Mullen grew up on the Central Coast and now lives in London, serving as the Program Manager for Nuvve’s European Vehicle-to-Grid operations. She specializes in the integration of electric vehicles, from grid connection to energy market qualification and participation. Her projects have covered Japan, California, Namibia, and countries across Europe. Previously, Paige worked at Tesla Motors, and in Regulatory Affairs and Clean Transport at PG&E. Paige will highlight the status of V2G deployment in Europe and lessons for the US.
V2G Benefits from Real Case Studies and Simulations at UC San Diego
Presenter: Jan Kleissl
Jan Kleissl researches the interaction of weather with engineering systems in solar power and the electric power grid. Kleissl received a PhD from the Johns Hopkins University in environmental fluid mechanics. He is the Director of the UCSD Center for Energy Research, Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, and the Director of the UCSD DERConnect National Science Foundation research facility. Jan will share the V2G pilot project he is involved with at UCSD.
V2X as a Solution to the Duck Curve
Presenter: Dr. Jose Torre-Bueno
Dr. Jose Torre-Bueno received his PhD from Rockefeller University. He is a founder and Executive Director of the Center for Community Energy in San Diego County. Jose is a green technology scientist and environmental advocate. Areas of expertise include battery technology, photovoltaic systems, utility rates, and modeling energy demand. Jose will speak about how V2G can benefit grid resiliency.