Webinar: Advanced energy programs and strategies in the North Bay Community Resilience Initiative
Rachel Kuykendall of Sonoma Clean Power and John Sarter of Microgrid Development Group presented in this webinar, which took place on May 24, 2018.
Rachel Kuykendall of Sonoma Clean Power and John Sarter of Microgrid Development Group presented in the second webinar on theNorth Bay Community Resilience Initiative, which took place on May 24, 2018. The Clean Coalition’s Greg Thompson and Pacific Gas & Electric’s (PG&E) Conrad Asper were also on hand to share their insights on the initiative.
Click here to watch this video on YouTube.
In October 2017, the North Bay area in California experienced devastating fires that destroyed thousands of homes. In collaboration with local and regional leadership, the Clean Coalition is helping establish the North Bay Community Resilience Initiative to build back right – with a modern, resilient, and more sustainable energy system for the community.
In this webinar, we covered:
- The Advanced Energy Rebuild program for the North Bay, a joint effort of Sonoma Clean Power, PG&E, and the Bay Area Air Quality Management District to help homeowners affected by the October 2017 firestorms rebuild energy-efficient, sustainable homes.
- Why zero net carbon and all-electric homes and buildings make a difference in communities– the important features and long-term benefits for home and building owners, as well as what it means to be a “microgrid-ready” home, building, and community.
- An introduction to the GridOptimal program from the New Buildings Institute and the U.S. Green Building Council, setting the stage for ratings that achieve optimized interoperability between communities and the grid.
Slides areavailable inPDForPPTformat.
The North Bay Community Resilience Initiative will enable energy to become more abundant, affordable, and sustainable for area residents. Learn more about the initiativehere.
Rachel Kuykendall. As Sonoma Clean Power’s Programs Manager, Rachel Kuykendall is responsible for program design and implementation in the areas of distributed renewable energy, energy efficiency, demand response, electric vehicles, heat pumps, and other related areas that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and support affordable energy for customers. Previously, Rachel served as an energy efficiency program manager for the Energy Upgrade California: Bay Area Multifamily Building Enhancement Program, and has assisted in providing technical assistance and energy efficiency rebates to over 30,000 multifamily units. Her specialties include energy efficiency program management, energy analysis and modeling, and the creation/retrofit of zero net energy buildings. Rachel is a Certified Energy Manager, LEED Accredited Processional, and Certified Passive House Consultant.
John Sarter. John Sarter is the founder of Microgrid Development Group andan independent builder and entrepreneur in the converging fields of real estate, energy, and transportation. A recognized innovator in developing the renewables+storage space since 2008, John founded the Microgrid Development Group in San Francisco to unite a consortium of energy, technical, engineering, and other professionals committed to creating a resilient and sustainable, distributed, and renewable energy future. He has owned and operated three design/build firms –Sarter Construction & Design Inc., Off The Grid Design, and Sol Lux Alpha– with a continuous general contractor’s license since 1986. At Off the Grid Design, John specialized in the integration and development of carbon neutral living, energy, and transportation systems.John is also an active participant in a zero net energy working group in California tasked with preparing architects, builders, and engineers for upcoming state carbon mandates and codeveloped a microgrid curriculum for the California Community College system.