Webinar: Siting solar in distribution grids - Clean Coalition
Aerial map view showing santa ana, california, overlaid with numerous yellow icons indicating various power output values in kilowatts, ranging from 250kw to 1020kw.

Webinar: Siting solar in distribution grids

The Clean Coalition's Greg Thomson presented at this webinar, which took place on Wednesday, May 13, 2015.

TheClean Coalition, in partnership withFierce Energy, hosted a webinar titledSiting solar in distribution gridsonWednesday,May 13, 2015.

View this webinar on YouTube.

The Clean Coalition works with electric utilities to understand and leverage the deployment of cost-effective distributed solar PV. This webinar detailedour work withSouthern California Edison (SCE) conducting thePreferred Resources Pilot Solar Siting Survey. This assessment identified a massive level of local solar (PV) energy potential within the grid area that comprises the Preferred Resources Pilot (PRP), which is a leading effort by SCE to study and demonstrate high levels of distributed energy resources across a multi-substation grid area.

During this one-hour webinar, the Clean Coalition’s Programs Director Greg Thomsondiscussed:

  1. Why electric utilities should be assessing the potential for solar PV within their distribution grids
  2. What is the methodology for conducting aSolar Siting Survey
  3. How this information is useful for forward-thinking utility planning

Slides are available inPDFandPPTformat.