The Peninsula Advanced Energy Community (PAEC) Initiative studied projects that incorporate one or more components of an Advanced Energy Community (AEC) and found dozens of projects worthy of emulation because they overcome economic or policy barriers. Many of the best practices fall under one of these economic tools:
- Incentives and rebates
- Purchasing aggregation strategy
- PACE loans
- Pay As You Save (PAYS)
- Community Choice Aggregation (CCA)
- Revolving funds
- Climate impact fees
Best policy practices studied include:
- Zero net energy reach codes and plans
- District approaches
- Required renewable energy goals
- Feed-in-tariffs
- Residential Energy Conservation Ordinance/Commercial Energy Conservation Ordinances
Through dozens of PAEC studies, the team uncovered key findings about where to focus attention when developing AECs. The highlights fall into three areas: economic, policy, and technical.
Read the PAEC Master Case Study for the full findings, and see the Master Case Study Overview for a quick view of the Initiative’s major findings.
For details on the Clean Coalition’s design for an AEC in a disadvantaged community, see the PAEC Master Community Design.