Webinar: Accelerating the transition to a clean local energy future
Justine Burt and Dr. Kristin Kuntz-Duriseti presented at this PAEC webinar on June 20, 2018.
Click here to watch this video on YouTube.
The gap between the clean local energy future we need and where we are today is still wide. From late 2016 to June 2018, the PAEC Initiativestudied what we can do to bridge this gap and accelerate the deployment of advanced energy communities (AECs).
AECs strive to meet zero net energy (ZNE) standards for the built environment, and to take full advantage of local renewable energy, demand response, Solar Emergency Microgrids, and electric vehicle charging infrastructure (EVCI).
In this webinar, we covered theresults of the PAEC Initiative Master Case Study, including:
- Top challenges and best practices for deploying AECs
- Key findings
- Case studies
- Tools to accelerate the deployment of AECs
- Project benefits
The PAEC Initiative aims to guide regulators, utilities, building and planning departments, developers, building owners, and elected municipal officials in focusing their efforts to accelerate the buildout of a clean local energy future.
Slides areavailable in PDF or PPT format.
Justine Burt is the Founder and CEO of Appraccel. She has 18 years experience as a sustainability project manager for advanced energy communities, waste prevention, and alternative transportation projects. She applies proven economic, policy, and behavior change tools to successfully implement lasting change for government, university, non-profit, and private sector clients. Justine has degrees in Economics and Environmental Policy.
Dr. Kristin Kuntz-Duriseti is Managing Editor of Climatic Change, an international journal publishing interdisciplinary research on the description, causes, and implications of climate change. To support responsible and progressive sustainability policies, promote renewable energy projects, and shift our community to a low carbon future, Kristin has served as an Environmental Quality Commission for Menlo Park, California and is a current Board Member for Menlo Spark, a non-profit initiative working toward climate neutrality in the city.
About PAEC and our webinar series
PAEC is a groundbreaking initiative funded by the California Energy Commission to streamline policies and showcase projects that facilitate local renewables and other advanced energy solutions like energy efficiency, energy storage, and electric vehicle charging infrastructure. The PAEC Initiative will create pathways to cost-effective clean local energy and community resilience throughout San Mateo County, the City of Palo Alto, and beyond. Learn more about the PAEC initiative.
This webinar is the sixth in a series based on findings from the PAEC Initiative.In this series, the authors of several new groundbreaking PAEC studies present highlights of their findings.Learn more about our webinar series.