A broad range of organizations, now totaling over 85, support the TAC Campaign’s goal of fixing the California Independent System Operator’s tariff language to assess Transmission Access Charges (TAC) on a utility’s metered Transmission Energy Downflow, aligning charges with cost causation. These organizations help raise awareness of the benefits local renewable energy will receive from fixing the tariff language. To learn more or join the TAC Campaign, fill out this form.

Transmission Access Charges (TAC) Campaign supporters
Fixing a major market distortion that disadvantages local renewables

Broad support for the TAC Campaign

Supporting organizations
350 Bay Area, 350 San Diego, 350 Silicon Valley, 350 South Bay Los Angeles, 350 Ventura County Climate Hub, 3fficient, Acterra, Appraccel, BBL Solar Design & Consulting, Berkeley Climate Action Coalition, Borrego Solar, Brighter Climate Futures, California Alliance for Community Energy, California Consumers Alliance, California Solar and Storage Association, Californians for Energy Choice, Carbon Free Mountain View, Carbon-Free Palo Alto, Center for Biological Diversity, Center for Sustainable Energy, Cinnamon Energy Systems, Civic Solar, Climate Action Campaign, The Climate Center, Commercial Solar Design, Community Choice Partners, Community Environmental Council, Community Renewable Solutions, Earthwise Energy, East Bay Power Alliance, eMotorWerks, Enphase, Environment California, Energy and Policy Institute, Foresight Renewable Solutions, Fossil Free California, Foundation Windpower, Good Company Associates, Gratus Energy, Green Lynx, ImMODO, Institute for Local Self-Reliance, Integrated Resources Network, JKB Energy, JTN Energy, Lean Energy, Local Clean Energy Alliance, Local Power, Long Beach Alliance for Clean Energy, McCalmont Engineering, Menlo Spark, Microgrid Media, Microgrid Resources Coalition, Mirasol Development, Morongo Basin Conservation Association, Nectar Solar, Nutter Consulting, The Offset Project, Pacific Environment, Panel the Planet, Pathion, Photon Power, Preserve Wild Santee, Pristine Sun, Promise Energy, Récolte Energy, REP Energy, San Diego Community Choice Alliance, San Diego Energy District, Sierra Club California, Simply Solar, SkyCentrics, SLO Clean Energy, SolAgra, SolarCity, Solar Electric Solutions, Solar Engineering Consultants, Solar Land Partners, Soltage, Sunrun, Sustainable Economies Law Center, Sustainable Silicon Valley, TeMIX, TerraVerde, The Energy Coalition, UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs, Voltaic, Vote Solar, Whisker Labs, World Business Academy, Yaskawa Solectria Solar