Expanding Community Microgrids via RES
RES allows a utility to plan strategically for resilience by aggregating RES allocations as they are contracted by facilities across the Community Microgrid footprint. Once the initial investment of a Community Microgrid for CCFs is made, future investments are based on market demand for resilience. As Community Microgrids expand and cost efficiencies are achieved through learning and economies of scale, RES costs and fees will trend lower, and the RES fees can be recalculated periodically to account for such reductions.
Once an initial Community Microgrid is established for serving the CCFs, the incremental COS for expanding the Community Microgrid via the market-based RES will be relatively low. For the average facility, the Clean Coalition has calculated that each 1% of load that a facility secures via a RES will result in a 1% electricity bill increase, as shown in this chart:
Thus, through a RES, it is feasible for Community Microgrids to be deployed and financed without shifting any costs to non-participants. Importantly, while the RES market mechanism encapsulates the price of resilience for each facility at the COS of the Community Microgrid, the value delivered to each facility is far higher, as evidenced by the VOR123 methodology.