Better, safer buildings: Holistic building upgrades for seismic safety and resource efficiency
The Clean Coalition was a partner organization for this event, which took place on February 2, 2017 in Redwood City, CA.
The Clean Coalition was a partner organization for Better, safer buildings: Holistic building upgrades for seismic safety and resource efficiency, which tookplace on February 2, 2017 in Redwood City, CA.
ThePeninsula Advanced Energy Community (PAEC)is a groundbreaking initiative to streamline policies and showcase projects that facilitate local renewables and other advanced energy solutions like energy efficiency, energy storage, and electric vehicle charging infrastructure. The PAEC will create pathways to cost-effective clean local energy and community resilience throughout San Mateo County and the City of Palo Alto; and beyond. ThePAEC officially launched in Novemberand is a collaboration between the Clean Coalition, the California Energy Commission, Pacific Gas and Electric, and an array of municipalities, emergency response jurisdictions, schools and universities, and corporate entities.
On the heels of the PAEC launch, the Clean Coalition isproud to have been a promotional partner for this eventthat highlighted building resilience and efficiency. Better, safer buildings: Holistic building upgrades for seismic safety and resource efficiency tookplace on Thursday, February 2, at GSVlabs in Redwood City, CA (a city in the PAEC coverage region). The event addressed building owner, manager, and tenant concerns and upgrade goals for disaster prone communities, such as:
- Preparing for the next major earthquake
- Improving employee performance, health, and happiness
- Saving energy and water
- Producing and storing renewable power and charging electric vehicles
- Financing upgrades, including commercial PACE and green loans, plus optimizing returns for owners and tenants
Speakers at the event included experts in green building and resilient technology, risk assessment, insurance, and climate leadership.