Climate Reality Project’s 360 Degree View of the New CA Fixed Fee/Utility Tax Webinar – 15 October 2023
The Clean Coalition's Policy Manager, Benjamin Schwartz, presented during this webinar, which took place on 15 October 2023.
The Climate Reality Project hosted a webinar on 15 October 2023 to discuss the new CA Fixed Fee/Utility Tax.
- Adam Sweeney from the Climate Reality Project, as the Moderator
- Matthew Freedman from TURN and Mohit Chhabra from NRDC on TURN/NRDC’s proposal
- Ben Schwartz from the Clean Coalition along with Josh Plaisted (Flagstaff Research) on the Clean Coalition proposal
- Joe Desmond from the California Efficiency + Demand Management Council
- Dave Rosenfeld from The Solar Rights Alliance
+ Click here to watch the recording