Distributed Solar Summit
Executive Director Craig Lewis moderated a panel at this event, which took place on November 15-17, 2016 in Culver City, CA.
Craig Lewis, ExecutiveDirector for the Clean Coalition, moderated apanel on smart inverters and intelligent control suites for solar + storage projects at the Distributed Solar Summit, which tookplace on November 15-17,2016 in Culver City, CA. This panel metduring the pre-summit forum on solar + storage on November 15.The Clean Coalition was also a partner organization for this event.
The long runninglong-runningDistributed Solar Summit incorporated two of the hottest trends in the solar industry: the addition of energy storage and the emergence of solar securitization. This premier networking event broughtsolar developers, installers, storage system integrators, and battery vendors together with community leaders, C&I customers, financiers, and other industry players to examine the opportunities, economics, business cases and technologies in developing distributed solar.
Two pre-conferenceExecutive Forumsset the stage on November 15, 2016:
Solar + Storage: Solar developers and storage system integrators explored the creation of additional value streams and business models by adding storage to solar systems in the residential, C&I, community, and small-scale utility market segments!
Solar Securitization: Investors and the solar industry met to explore the performance of recent securitized assets, rating agencies’ work to date, and market trends in solar asset-backed securities within the residential and commercial & industry segments