Webinar: Streamlining the interconnection of advanced energy solutions to the grid
The Clean Coalition's Sahm White presented at this webinar, which took place on June 5, 2018.
The fifth webinar from the Peninsula Advanced Energy Community (PAEC) Initiative was held on June 5, 2018.Sahm White, Economics & Policy Analysis Director with the Clean Coalition, presented.
Click here to watch this video on YouTube.
California Governor Jerry Brown set a goal of 12,000 megawatts of distributed energy resources (DER) by 2020 and 50% Renewable Portfolio Standard–qualifying renewables by 2030. Other states are also adopting clean energy goals. To achieve these goals, it’s crucial that all DER be able to predictably and quickly interconnect to the electric grid – including commercial-scale solar and energy storage, or wholesale distributed generation (WDG).
Currently, WDG projects face bigger hurdles for interconnecting than other DER. The PAEC Initiative studied best practices, barriers, and tools for deploying WDG across the U.S.
This webinar detailed:
- Why it’s important to streamline interconnection for WDG
- Best practices for interconnecting WDG projects
- A model interconnection process to improve the approval process for small WDG
Slides areavailable inPDForPPTformat.
Sahm Whiteis Economics & Policy Analysis Director for the Clean Coalition. Sahm White brings over 20 years experience in economic and environmental policy, with over 200 filings before public utility and energy commissions. Prior to joining the Clean Coalition he held positions as a Senior Research Consultant to the Center for Ecoliteracy, Technical and Policy Analyst in the development of the Ecological Footprint, and Associate Director of Progressive Secretary, a leading web source of legislative constituent engagement.
About PAEC and our webinar series
PAEC is a groundbreaking initiative funded by the California Energy Commission to streamline policies and showcase projects that facilitate local renewables and other advanced energy solutions like energy efficiency, energy storage, and electric vehicle charging infrastructure. The PAEC Initiative will create pathways to cost-effective clean local energy and community resilience throughout San Mateo County, the City of Palo Alto, and beyond.Learn more about the PAEC initiative.
This webinar is the fourth in a series based on findings from the PAEC initiative.In this series, the authors of several new groundbreaking PAEC studies will present highlights of their findings.Learn more about our webinar series.