Webinar: Economics of energy efficiency and fuel switching for commercial-scale buildings - Clean Coalition
Modern gray office building with a large cherry picker extended towards one side, set against a cloudy sky.

Webinar: Economics of energy efficiency and fuel switching for commercial-scale buildings

Blake Herrschaft and Betty Seto of DNV GL presented at this Clean Coalition webinar, which took place on January 31, 2018.

The Clean Coalition held a webinar on the economics of energy efficiency and fuel switching for commercial-scale buildings on January 31, 2018.

Detailed reports on the economics for each building type discussed can be foundhere.

Click here to watch this video on YouTube.

Blake Herrschaft and Betty Seto, part of DNV GL’sSustainable Buildings & Communities group,presented on the economic benefits of eight energy-efficiency and fuel-switching measures for five building types: offices, retail spaces, municipal buildings, multifamily dwellings, and schools. They showed how we determined the savings and payback times for each one.

This webinar is part of the Peninsula Advanced Energy Community (PAEC) Initiative, a groundbreaking initiative funded by the California Energy Commission to streamline policies and showcase projects that facilitate local renewables and other advanced energy solutions like energy efficiency, energy storage, and EV charging infrastructure.

Slides can be viewed or downloadedhere.

About PAEC and our webinar series

PAEC is a groundbreaking initiative funded by the California Energy Commission to streamline policies and showcase projects that facilitate local renewables and other advanced energy solutions like energy efficiency, energy storage, and electric vehicle charging infrastructure. The PAEC initiative will create pathways to cost-effective clean local energy and community resilience throughout San Mateo County, the City of Palo Alto, and beyond.Learn more about the PAEC initiative.

This webinar was the first in a series based on findings from the PAEC initiative. Future topics include streamlining interconnection of commercial solar, and best practices to encourage energy efficiency, renewable energy, zero net energy, energy storage, and electric vehicle charging infrastructure.Learn more about our webinar series.