CPUC Public Workshop: Green Tariff Shared Renewables
The Clean Coalition’s Sahm White and Brian Korpics presented at this event, which took place in San Francisco on January 5, 2016.
To have a representative of the Clean Coalition present at your event, please contact us.
The Clean Coalition’s Sahm White and Brian Korpics presented at this event, which took place in San Francisco on January 5, 2016.
The Clean Coalition's Greg Thomson presented at this webinar, which took place on October 15, 2015.
The Clean Coalition's John Bernhardt sat on a panel at this event, which took place on August 10-11 in Denver, Colorado.
The Clean Coalition's Sahm White presented at this event, which took place July 30, 2015.
Executive Director Craig Lewis presented at this event, which took place in Los Angeles, CA from June 16-18, 2015.